Interface InputBindingPlugin<In, Ex, P>

An input binding plugin interface.

Type Parameters

  • In

    The type of the internal value.

  • Ex

    The type of the external value. It will be provided by users.

  • P extends BaseInputParams

    The type of the parameters.



accept: ((exValue: unknown, params: Record<string, unknown>) => null | Acceptance<Ex, P>)

Type declaration

    • (exValue: unknown, params: Record<string, unknown>): null | Acceptance<Ex, P>
    • Decides whether the plugin accepts the provided value and the parameters.


      • exValue: unknown
      • params: Record<string, unknown>

      Returns null | Acceptance<Ex, P>

binding: {
    constraint?: ((args: BindingArguments<Ex, P>) => Constraint<In>);
    equals?: ((v1: In, v2: In) => boolean);
    reader: ((args: BindingArguments<Ex, P>) => BindingReader<In>);
    writer: ((args: BindingArguments<Ex, P>) => BindingWriter<In>);

Configurations of the binding.

Type declaration

controller: ((args: ControllerArguments<In, Ex, P>) => Controller<View>)

Type declaration

css?: string

The custom CSS for the plugin.

id: string

The identifier of the plugin.

type: "input"

The type of the plugin.

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